ELSA 2023-12-11T11:19:26+07:00 Fera Maulina Open Journal Systems <p><strong>English Language Studies and Applied Linguistics Journal (ELSA)</strong> is a publication from Politeknik Tonggak Equator (POLTEQ). It publishes original researches in the fields of English Language Studies and Applied Linguistics issued biannually, i.e. in May and November.</p> <p>Articles may span the full spectrum of the fields accomodated by this journal and go through the reviewing and editting processes before publication with no changes in the substances of the original manuscripts.</p> <p>The contents of the articles respectively are the responsibility taken fully by the writers and do not reflect the publisher’s opinion.</p> <p>The manuscripts sent to our editorial staffs are those never published in or under consideration for publication by other publishers.</p> MAKING STUDENTS TO INVOLVE IN SPEAKING THROUGH SENTENCE MEMORISING: A CLASSROOM ACTION RESEARCH IN SMPN 4 SAMALANTAN 2023-11-11T12:30:47+07:00 Andi Abraham <p>Globalisation has altered how English is utilised in multilingual communities. In order to achieve their purpose, people must be able to interact with one another. The concept of teaching English has evolved to reflect the current global environment. Memorizing a sentence or phrase is considered effective for students because it may help students to increase students’ confidence to speak. The research method of this study is classroom action research (CAR). The purpose is to develop new skills or new approaches and to solve problems with direct application to the classroom or working world setting. The participants of the research are the English teacher and the students of VII B of SMPN 4 Samalantan which consists of 32 students. Based on the score obtained in the first cycle, the result in the first cycle indicates that students pass the score equal or greater than 70 as the Minimum involvement Criterion. In the second cycle, students pass the score equal or greater than 70 as the Minimum involvement Criterion. The results of the checklist table in the first and second cycles demonstrated that students are actively participating in speaking class. In the second cycle, students were involved in memorising the sentence, able to memorise the sentence or phrase, enthusiastic in participating in class, and were able to use the sentence or phrase for communicating with their friends.</p> 2023-11-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ELSA AN ANALYSIS OF CODE MIXING IN NOVEL HAPPILY EVER AFTER BY WINNA EFENDI 2023-12-11T11:19:26+07:00 Vania Erlina Pricilla Pascadeany Frelians Tri Mulyaningsih <p>Code mixing is the practice of using many languages on the same topic. When a speaker uses two or more languages, they are said to be <em>code mixing</em> when they consistently use language elements from one language in the other. Indonesians may therefore speak multiple languages, particularly Indonesian and English. It occurs in both verbal and written communication. It can be found both in spoken and written form. Speaking it aloud can be heard at lectures, radio shows, and television shows. Code mixing in writing is such as in newspapers, magazines, tabloids, articles, novels, and other literary works. This research focuses on the novel entitled <em>Happily Ever After</em> by Winna Efendi. The purpose of this research is to find the code-mixing types and the dominantly code mixing used in the novel. This research used content analysis and analyzed qualitatively. The result from this research shows that there is one hundred and eighty-nine total of code mixing; one hundred and sixty-six Insertion, four Alternation, and nineteen Congruent Lexicalization. The dominantly used code mixing is Insertion because there are lexical needs that are mostly shorter or words.</p> 2023-11-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ELSA AN ANALYSIS OF THE USE OF CODE MIXING IN EVERMORE NOVEL BY CECILLIA WANG 2023-11-11T12:30:47+07:00 Filadelfia Selamat Tumpal Manurung Agus Riadi <p>Using more than one language or mixing languages gives rise to the phenomenon of code-mixing. This study aims to discover the types of code mixing and the dominant type of code mixing used and to explain the reasons for using code mixing in the novel Evermore by Cecillia Wang. The research data was taken directly from the novel Evermore and collected using qualitative research methods with content analysis. In analyzing, the theory used in this study is the theory of code-mixing by Suwito (1983) and clarified by Muysken's theory (2000). Meanwhile, in analyzing the factors underlying the use of code-mixing, the theory used is the theory of Bhatia and Ritchie (2013). The analysis results show 340 code-mixing, with details of 157 insertion code-mixing, 166 alternation code-mixing and 17 congruent lexicalization code-mixing. In addition, four factors underlie the use of code-mixing in the novel: social roles and relationships of participants, situational factors, message-intrinsic factors, and language attitudes, dominance and security.</p> 2023-11-10T20:01:17+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ELSA AN ANALYSIS OF SPEAKING FLUENCY LEVEL OF FRONT OFFICE STAFFS OF HOTEL IBIS PONTIANAK CITY CENTER 2023-11-11T12:30:48+07:00 Fariska Wulandari Agustinus Gregorius Subanti <p>When people learn English, they will learn the four skills, they are writing, reading, listening, and speaking. Among the four skills, speaking skill is very important because it is an active skill and helps us to communicate in our daily activities. As a front office staff at a hotel, it is essential to have fluency in English. There are the number of foreigners stay at the hotel for business or just a vacation. This study aims to determine the fluency in English of the front office staff of Ibis Pontianak City Center. The data were analyzed by using qualitative methods. The study results show that fluency in speaking English starts with self-confidence and is carried out without hesitation. The factors influencing it are educational background, work experience, and self-confidence.</p> 2023-11-10T20:04:39+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ELSA TYPES OF SENTENCES USED IN MICHELLE OBAMA’S SPEECH: A CONTENT ANALYSIS 2023-11-11T12:30:48+07:00 Agus Riadi <p>English is an efficient language due to its simpler spelling, grammar, and letter system. When it comes to English grammar, one must follow numerous rules and regulations, such as an understanding of the parts of speech, tenses, phrases, clauses, and syntactic structures necessary to construct grammatically correct sentences. A sentence is generally divided into two categories: the functional and the structural. There are four different types of sentences based on structure: the simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence, and compound-complex sentence. In this regard, I selected the public speaker who delivered a formal speech employing a variety of sentence structures. The representation of appropriate speech delivery can be observed in one of Michelle Obama's speeches, titled "Michelle Obama's Speech at the 2020 DNC." My research aimed to provide information on the phenomenon of using different types of sentences in a speech to determine a suitable speech structure by employing content analysis as the research method. The findings revealed that the most frequently used type of sentence structure is the simple sentence, with the declarative sentence being the most commonly used context.</p> 2023-11-10T20:06:37+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ELSA